Understanding Muscle Imbalances and the Impact of Chiropractic Care
When you play sports, work out regularly, and focus on building muscle strength, it’s important to be aware of muscle imbalances so you can prevent them from occurring. At Premier Chiropractic and Performance, our chiropractor Dr. Nicholas Schumacher, has extensive experience diagnosing, treating, and preventing muscle imbalances through chiropractic treatment in Jacksonville, FL.
What Is Muscle Imbalance?
A muscle imbalance is an imbalance between the strength, tone, and consistency of one muscle compared to a corresponding muscle. A muscle imbalance can impact your posture, gait, joint positions, and can increase your risk of an injury when working out or playing sports. A muscle imbalance occurs when you repeatedly move or work out the same muscles while ignoring others. They can also occur from lack of activity or movement, or from doing single-plane exercises like push-ups and squats.
Where Does Muscle Imbalance Typically Occur?
Muscle imbalances usually occur on one side of a joint or bone, or when the muscles on one side of your body are weaker than those on the other side of your body. Core muscle imbalances, or imbalances in your core muscle group, can cause problems with your posture, gait, flexibility, and movement. This will eventually lead to chronic back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and hip pain.
Working Through Muscle Imbalances
Regular workouts that focus on toning and strengthening multiple muscles, particularly your core muscles, can reduce your risk of a muscle imbalance. If your body is unusually strong on one side but not another, you may have a muscle imbalance. You might also notice that your balance or posture is lopsided, or that you have more flexibility on one side of your body than another.
Preventing Muscle Imbalances
Working closely with Dr. Schumacher and his team can help you avoid muscle imbalances. Dr. Schumacher will create a highly personalized chiropractic care plan that focuses on building core muscle strength, addressing and reducing muscle imbalances, preventing future muscle imbalances, and improving form and posture. Working with Dr. Schumacher can help you avoid future back pain, structural issues, and dysfunction that could affect your athletic performance and workout routine.
Learn More About Dealing With Back Pain in Jacksonville, FL
If you’re interested in learning more about targeting muscle imbalances or dealing with back pain and other chronic pain issues, our team at Premier Chiropractic and Performance can help. Dr. Schumacher will identify the underlying cause of your pain and dysfunction and create an individualized chiropractic treatment plan. Call us today to schedule an appointment, or request a free discovery visit online.
Posted In:
Back Pain Treatment
Muscle Imbalances